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Waiting Over Here









Friday, Oct. 10, 2003 || 11:52 p.m.

A lot of change has happened lately.

I guess not so much change as reality has hit me over my head with a large stick. It is easy to forget about death and selfishness when it isn't in your life. Maybe, when it isn't in our life, we can pretend it doesn't exist...

I went to an independent actor's group play tonight. I stayed just long enough to enjoy some free food and lots and lots of free booze. Getting home was an adventure because I could not tell what was a bus or cab. I made it home safely though.

I promised myself I wouldn't let San Francisco get routine to me, but it is starting to. Tonight, I could predict everything someone was going to say to me and the behaviors were going to unfold.

I should join an S&M club. That shouldn't get too routine.

Midnight Mass with Peaches Christ tomorrow. Oh joy.

luv, steph

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