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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Sept. 28, 2003 || 4:46 p.m.

I have thought about writing so many times in the past 21 days, but I just haven't. Things just haven't been happening.

That is pissing me off. This year is feeling just like all the others. I'm doing different things, different activites, but still in the same place. What the hell do I have to do to get laid?

That frustration has led me to buy Mr. Sparkling Curve. I love the thing and all its speeds. I showed it off yesterday at our party and it seemed to be a big hit. It must be because it is sprinkly and pink.

The first night I used Mr. Wonderful was after a long field trip to a video activist site in the city. While the rest of my class was trapped in a small room watching a video, I hung out in the dark hallway with another classmate. Maybe it was the fact that lonely, dark hallways have always turned me on, but I just wanted to rip open this guy I was leaning against. It could have been wonderful. Fooling around in this hallway while my classmates sit in the next room unknowing what pleasurious things were going on next to them. Alias, the field trip ended and I ended up giving the guy a piece of gym instead of a long, slow goodbye kiss. That night all my agony was taken out on Mr. Wonderful.

Damn new crushes.

luv, steph

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