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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003 || 3:42 a.m.

I've never felt so bad. It almost makes me want to never drink again...

So it started last night when I was hearing my 3rd floor neighbor hooking up. I was listening, really forced to listen, as he was playing his smooth moves and going at it. I've never felt so alone and knew then that my sexual frustation had hit an all time high.

Now, one night later, I've had *2* extreme fights with my roommate and its ended in words that will be regretted in the morning. I don't know how its has happened. There's been so many fights with people tonight that I can't comprehened what is going on. I guess I feel bad. I guess I feel alone. It hurts right now.

I know now that I never want to wake up again cause, when I do, I will be in pain.

X, steph

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