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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003 || 8:50 p.m.

I just have to stand still for a second.

I guess I just had a revolation. I feel like I've been focusing so much on what I don't have, and what I have to do, that I need to live in the moment. That's my new motto for this year. Bars, booty, and some more booty.

I've just gotten myself in a niche and I need to break out from it every so often. It is funny how I can fear change, but once it happens, I knew I was over-reacting. I've been in my first apartment for almost 2 months now and it feels like I've been here forever. I'm settled, but that exciting new feeling has worn and I'm wishing it hadn't gone so fast. I'm starting to rearrange my room and clean everything like I have OCD so I can reclaim something I felt before. Maybe it is cause I know it is going to change once my second roommate moves in, but maybe not. I settle into things too fast and grow old with things that should be taken slowly. My energy needs to be focused onto other things. Any hobby suggestions?

luv, steph

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