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Waiting Over Here









Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 || 9:03 p.m.

I want to see what people saw

I want to feel like I felt before

I want to see the kingdom come

I want to feel forever young

I want to sing

To sing my song

I want to live in a world where I belong

I want to live

I will survive

And I believe that it won't be very long

If we turn, turn, turn, turn, turn

Then we might learn

So where's the stars?

Up in the sky

And what's the moon?

A big balloon

We'll never know unless we grow

There's so much world outside the door

I want to sing

To sing my song

I want to live in a world where I'll be strong

I want to live

I will survive

And I believe that it won't be very long

If we turn, turn, turn, turn

And if we turn, turn, turn, turn

Then we might learn

Turn, turn, turn, turn

Turn, turn, turn

And if we turn, turn, turn, turn

Then we might learn

Learn to turn

I've dived head on back into my love for Travis. I've been playing their records non-stop all day and it will continue into tomorrow. I realized when looking over their lyrics that I'm really happy at where I am now. This keeps me glued to their music. Although I could say I have problems going on, but they're minor and I feel fine about everything. I think I wanted too many things before and therefore overlooked too many things. I just don't want to feel how I felt most of last year and if it means lying to myself about my situation, so be it!

luv, steph

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