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Thursday, May. 22, 2003 || 3:25 p.m.

I have some new MSN search entries. Either someone has some crazy fetishes or someone who loves my diary is taking the time to type pharses and get my diary. Whoever it is, they are entertaining me. I feel the need to share these crazy search entries. Here are the new ones:

"look at a vagina", "cartoons, school bus", "i peed my panties". Whoever you are, thanks again. "Look at a vagina" is the best one so far and I have NO idea why my diary is connected to that pharse. I heart my vagina.

I shared the best moment with my roommate last night. We were all tucked in ready to fall asleep in our sad, empty room when she said, as it was quite and dark, "I had the best time with you as my roommate this semester". It was just the sweetest thing. I felt like I was at a slumber party. I realized it was the last night I would be sleeping in the dorms with a roommate. It is the end of an exciting era. Time to start a new one. This time without shower shoes and having to levitate to pee.

I feel so gross. I need to just take a 40 minute hot shower and wash every part of me. I feel like I belong in a trash can.

luv, steph

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