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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, May. 11, 2003 || 12:59 p.m.

My body has always been older then it should be. In second grade, I grew breasts. When I was eight, my dentist told me I had teeth of a twelve year old. My uterus' problems are that of a forty year old woman. The future doesn't look good for me.

I spent half of the weekend at my roomie's house. Most of the time I was high, but of what I remember, it was good times. I did hang out with high school boys. Yeah, I don't think I miss that.

Last night was my "lying" friend's bday party. I was weird at first. I keep wanting to catch her in a lie again, but she just got defense and mad. Then the mind games started. She wanted me to say that I thought she wasn't a bad person and that I trusted her. I just looked at her and said "hmm". I kind of want her to feel bad and guilty everytime I ask her what she has been doing. She should feel like that anyway. If she is going to lie, she might as well feel bad about it.

I have a lot of work to do today, but I don't feel stressed enough to do it. I was assigned two more papers to do. I have a final. I just want to stay in my robe and listen to music. I guess I can do that while I type a paper. Wow, I thought that out logically. Maybe there is hope for me after all.

Sky vodka cosmo mix is my new best friend. My summer is just going to be one cosmo blur.

luv, steph

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