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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, May. 04, 2003 || 6:08 p.m.

Ok, it is Sunday and I feel like writting a really bad poem to express my thoughts about this day.

Oh Sunday, how I have fondled the computer all day,

Trying to find a way,

I have been downloading 90s songs since noon,

I am such a sentimental baffoon,

But that is what Sundays are for,

To snore and glore,

These days are so empty,

Nothing good rhymes with empty,

So now the poem must end,

The End?...

Haha! It is so bad I must point and laugh at it's stupidity. That makes it ten times more funny. I love when I have to entertain myself for long periods of time. This is the result of that...and 23 newly downloaded songs.

To quote The Divinyls, "I love myself,

I want you to love me,

when I feel down,

I want you above me,

I search myself,

I want you to find me,

I forget myself,

I want you to remind me,

I don't want anybody else,

when I think about you, I touch myself..."

This reminds me of something I learned. When I was studying sexual disorders, studies show that women who masterbate, and know how to pleasure themselves, tend to have less sexual problems. Some treatments for women with sexual disorders is teaching them how to masterbate. This made me realize two things: (1). I really should be sex therapist and maybe one with her own TV show and (2). I will never have a sexual disorder. Never.

Since I have been locked up in my room all day, I have lost some of my social skills. I just went downstairs to grab some food and was talking to someone and it was like relearning how to form words with my mouth. God, I need someone to touch me! It has been 24 hours!

This program on VH1, I Love the 80s, is really funny. This thought from one of the guys on it made me cough up my vanilla Coke: "If guy who buys an expensive car has a small penis, then a guy who names a line of cars after himself must have a vagina". So true. "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is a really funny movie. I think I'm going to watch it again. But before I do that, I need to have a 90s nudie dance party and rediscover old clothes.

"I'm loser baby, so why don't you kill me?"

luv, steph

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