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Waiting Over Here









Thursday, May. 01, 2003 || 10:15 p.m.

Ok, I have noticed in the past week that people have been getting to my diary by typing the following into the MSN search engine: "peeing girls" and "pee in pants". Someone out there has a big urine fetish and is getting my diary instead of pictures of girls peeing on themselves. My Halloween entry is such a classic now.

This makes me think of a woman I knew from when I worked at a paint-your-own-pottery studio that posed nude for fetish magazines. One night when I was working, she was telling us about the shoot she did that day where she had to pee on herself. She didn't seem to mind and she was spending a lot of her hard earned money on ceramics. I have to say I see nothing wrong with fetishs, and actually just studied this phenomenon in my psych class, but I have an idea in my mind that someone who keeps getting to my diary doing these searchs might be slightly aroused by my pee stories. Does this make me a porn-fetish star? And if it does, I need to start charging to read my Halloween entry. Oh, I just had another idea, this entry is going to start showing up in the pee searches now. Damn. Well, a big shout out to the urine fetish people and as a sidenote, I only pee on myself when it is an absolute emergency. This has only happened twice in my life and there is a good possiblity that it will happen again. You will be fully noted on this diary when it does.

I have been a busy bee this week. That is all the energy I have to say about that.

I do have some personal goals this weekend. One does involve keeping this diary updated because I can not keep up with Wes and Andrea. I'm such a loser.

Ok, back to playing Kazaa.

luv, steph

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