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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Apr. 27, 2003 || 11:24 a.m.

I got drunk with my professors yesterday at a posh wine bar. My coolness is unbearable.

It all started with me volunteering at the FCC hearings at City Hall. I got there at 9:15 am and put up with radical, anti-corporate media know-it-alls talk to me about how they have the answers to everything. I then got to move from helping at the enterance table to going outside to "welcome" people. Unbeknownst to me, an emergency response team was training across the street. There were a lot of people walking around with bloody injuries and dumby body dead bodies spread everywhere. I just thought it was another anti-war protest. Then the major, Willie Brown, showed up to take a picture with the emergency response team on the steps of city hall. I'm in those pictures, sitting on the side with my friend holding anti-corporate media protest signs. They weren't even our signs, we were just holding about 5 of them for people who had to go inside the building. It was kind of surreal being looked at as the lone protests in front of the major and the emergency response team. I couldn't help but laugh the whole time and pray that everyone from the FCC hearing would come out of the building and see that the major was there. It would have been a once and a lifetime event.

After all that, there was a rally. Someone played a banjo and sang "screw the FCC...". Their message was clear. But after all my hard work (aka putting up with the crazies), we got to go to a posh wine bar to celebrate with the commissioner and some of my professor who helped out. After about 4 glasses, I was gone. I remember my professor cussing and then having a discussion with someone about who was gay at the event. About the time it was too hard for me too walk and we realized it was still light out, my friend and I left and ended up wondering around the city. Oh my, it was such good times.

So I have gotten high and drunk with professors, what else is there left to do? Perhaps have sex with a professor? Who knows. I don't plan these things.

My friend also got us an apartment yesterday. We start paying rent in June, but can move our stuff in May. Now I just need to plan my summer. I'm not sure how long I will stay at home. I want to go to my sister's graduation and then visit Andrea in Seattle. I hate details.

luv, steph

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