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Waiting Over Here









Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003 || 3:12 p.m.

Oh look at me! I'm updating. I wish I had a fabulous gay couple next door to celebrate with. Maybe we would drink martinis and talk about what is up with the mulliet as a hairstyle. Then maybe we would play a fun boardgame and I would forget about everything for a couple of hours. Oh, to dream.

Life has been stressful. It is that time in the semester when classes get longer and longer and it gets harder and harder to get out of bed. I have been bitching about it in my French journal. I think that is why I haven't been updating so much. I have been venting in other places. Je suis tres chic. Oui.

On top of all the stress factors going on in my life, my nose is infected. Well, not quite infected, but it developed a kind of clear bump next to the piercing. These are very difficult to get rid of and I have been soaking it twice a day. I won't give up on it though. It must pull through!

I hate complaining about my minor problems, but if I don't release stress in a socially acceptable form, it will come out in different ways. Like throwing rocks at people or prostituting myself online. I've been having those kinds of thoughts lately. Anything to do with sex has been controling my thoughts. I wish I could relieve stress through sex. Damn it. God damn it!

Oh, I feel so much better. Now I have a caffeine high. Time to move on with my crazy, fun life. This means that I will be working on my paper on abortion in Chile and reading about sexual disorders. Oh yeah, you better be jealous.

luv, steph

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