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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 || 10:55 p.m.

I wanted to post yesterday, but my gold membership ran out. I didn't even get a notice! So, I will now post the entry I had in mind yesterday. I just don't feel that it will be as magically as it could be. Damn it.

First, here is a picture of a pair of wonderful shoes that I must throw away because they are falling apart. This is the first pair of shoes I can remember actually wearing down. They will be sadly missed.

On a rainy day, such as this, I feel the need to either clean out random places in my room or listen to old cds. I had the brillent idea of listening to old cds AND cleaning out random places. I ended up throwing away annoying underwear that always ran up my crack. That felt good. There is something kind of beautiful and deep about seeing old flowers and underwear in the same trash can.

This is what I ate today. I felt the need to share it because it was that good. Butter flavored pretzels and candy orange slices. It just fulfilled me in the right spot.

I enjoy the way rainy days make me feel. I like the sense of isolation I'm forced to bare inside my small room. The loner inside me does its own rain dance.

Today I went to some open houses in the city. I have a feeling we might not find someone who wants to hold an apartment for a month. I don't want to handle this extra stress. It is just another pain in my ass.

I'm tired because I'm bored so I'm going to lie down and see if I can trick my body into sleeping. This week I'm on the sugar pills and I never get much sleeping done during this time.

luv, steph

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