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Waiting Over Here









Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 || 5:38 p.m.

I don't know why I have such a problem updating.

This has been a lazy week though. I spent the weekend in Palo Alto with my roomie. What is a nice little town. Ever since getting back, I haven't felt like doing homework or even making an effort to do homework. I have managed to keep myself busy going to events on campus. If I have to see another low-budget, foriegn film again, I would do it in a heart beat. I saw a documentary last night that amazed me. It was directed by a media professor on campus and it just came from the Sundance Festival, on its way to the San Francisco International Film Festival. It was about the Underground Weathermen group during the Vietnam War and they shot great interviews and managed to gather amazing footage. It is so impressing watching something like that knowing how much effort and time went into it. Other then exposing audience's to this group, the thing that would make these filmmakers most happy is having PBS show it. They just wanted to put something out there. I was so inspired that I'm taking a course next semester on doctumentary film making. What a brillent form of film.

It is offical, I'm the new Advertising Manager at our on-campus newspaper. In past entries, you can read about my internal battle with the advertising industry, but I guess I can put up with it for another year. Besides, I will be working with fellow student journalists in the greatest city and it will make my resume look good. Oh yeah, and I get paid. C'est voila!

I just got an email from my mom saying my grandma has breast cancer. It isn't a "bad" kind. She doesn't need chemo or radiation therapy. They are just going to remove the lump. Still, I think people look at a person differently once they have cancer. Like they are victums and are somehow a different person then they were yesterday. Even if this is a mild form of cancer, there is still a huge fear that goes along with the word cancer. Like it only means death or surviving. I have a feeling my grandma will be a survivor. It is hard for me to think that she could ever die.

I'm I an alcoholic if I go to a bar to drown my problems and ignore my homework? I just can't get anything done on Thursdays. I keep thinking I have the whole weekend, which I do. They have 25 cent pints of cheap beer for heaven's sake!! and a DJ! and a dance floor! Cheap beer and a dance floor is just asking for trouble. What would make the embarrassing drunken experience complete would be a kareoke machine. I can hear the drunken rock ballads now. Journey Rocks!!

Wow, a rush a hunger just spread over my body. Typing really burned up some energy.

luv, steph

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