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Waiting Over Here









Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 || 7:06 p.m.

I so had a typical college-dorm afternoon yesterday. It started with the idea of doing my laundry that was over-flowing under my bed. Now, this can be a tricky thing because if you take up more than two machines, people give you dirty looks and whisper bad things about you. My plan was simple: go in the laundry room around 3ish so no one will be around and fighting over machines. I seperated my clothes and run to the machines. I was lucky, there was four machines available. I have never stuffed washing machines so fast, I swear to God. Once I got everything packed in, I put money in, pressed the button, and ran the crap away at lightening speed. No one saw me take four machines and I finally got to wash my sheets. But when I went back to put my clothes in the dryer, someone was waiting to use my washers. I emptyed two of them and pretended to keep myself business with reading the dryer sheet labels. Once she left, I was free to enjoy my clean clothes.

The other thing that made this a special dorm afternoon was the random frige someone put in the elevator. Everytime someone got on the elevator, they would look at me, then the frige, then back at me. Did they think it was my little buddy or something? I had to keep explaining that it was there when I got in the elevator. But I did like it's company.

Everytime someone talks about getting an apartment, it makes me a little sad cause I think I will miss living in an dorm. It's not cause it is such a great place to live, far from it, but it is all about the interactions you create with people in your same situation. I'm so thankful to have that experience and have made some great friends because of it. I will enjoy living in an apartment next semester, but I will miss dorm life. Call me a positive thinker, but I was always able to enjoy the crappy things and events the dorms offered. Where else could you find a frig in the elevator, seriously?

I don't want to talk about what I did today until tomorrow because tonight I'm going to this DJ, fund raising event tonight. It should be a good time, well it better be if I'm paying $15 for it.

luv, steph

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