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Waiting Over Here









Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 || 10:45 p.m.

I have been meaning to write on here for a while, but I'm a lazy bum.

This week back from spring break has been so hard. I had 3 papers and an exam and I finally got to relax today. But that's enough bitchin'.

I got the 1st season of Six Feet Under and have been watching it for the past few hours. Oh, how I heart that show. I want to go on websites and see how some people interpret that show. I'm such a sad and lonely fan.

On a scale of 1 to 10 of horniness, I think I'm about at a 9.999999. Sometimes just the smell of human flesh can get me going. Damn hormones and birth control pills! Why do they want to us to breed? why?

My brain is tried so I'm quitting the internet and continuing with the show I love.

luv, steph

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