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Waiting Over Here









Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2003 || 7:13 p.m.

Now that my fun weekend is over, reality has set in. I just watched PBS news for an hour and feel only a sense of shock at the world. I also can't believe I have to fly tomorrow, on the day war is going to be announced. After sitting in the dark for what seemed like hours, I finally turned on the lights and put on BBC. They hate Bush as much as I do.

I want to escape to the past, like yesterday. Wes and I hung out with some frairs at a traditional Catholic church close by. The Irish Whisky cake they served us couldn't have had more alcohol in it, but it was so good at the same time. We could have done with being drunk, but still enjoyed watching extremely drunk people flirt and talk with each other. It was like watching the "Human Animal Channel: Drunken Mating Season". I almost couldn't control myself from touching every male I passed in the crowd. It must be the Irish in me.

We did so much walking this weekend that my calf muscle's are going to show it. I also don't feel guilty for eating like a PMSy-mad woman all weekend cause it all evens out. The food we ate was so good, I don't know if I can ever be satisified my normal meals again. Maybe I will just live in the corner of a good, chic San Fran restaurant and have the waiters feed me the leftovers off customer's plates. Delicious.

Now I have to pack for a nerve racking trip home. I think I'm going to have to take some of my brillant painkillers so I can knock myself out on the plane. Oh, I also have some leftover vodka that might be consumed before I leave. I will be so fun to sit next too.

luv, steph

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