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Waiting Over Here









Friday, Mar. 14, 2003 || 11:26 a.m.

I just encountered a former someone. He gave me a big hug and followed me around the caf. Haha, so helpless. I left him hangin' though and hope to never see him again.

I guess it is supposed to rain all weekend. I love the rain, but I don't want to be limited on the activites I have planned. Oh well, there are plenty of gay men to keep up dry..or wet. Haha, OMG, I kill. Wes comes today and we are going to bust up the town. Where did that phrase come from? "Bust" up the town?

I have to work today. It is also pay day. This makes me as happy as a little girl.

Haha, I have been watching the Food Network all morning and I'm watching a show with Racheal Ray (Andrea and I have concluded she is the most annoying person on this network and has to be sleeping with somebody to keep her job). She just said, "I'm notorious for burning nuts". I don't know, it sounded wrong and funny. Haha, she also said "handle" and "nuts" in the same sentence. Wow, I'm such a small child. I don't know, I blame the weather for my behavior.

Hopefully I will be updating this weekend. If not, I will forget everything that happened.

luv, steph

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