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Waiting Over Here









Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003 || 7:38 p.m.

It is like super scary weather outside right now. At 6pm, when I was walking out of the library, the air was thick with fog and rain and the church bells were ringing. I felt like I should have been running from a serial killer.

I talked to my friend thats been having problems. I just told her everything we were feeling and tried my best to convince her to go to therapy. I think it was good that I did it, but I'm not sure what is going to happen now. I have a feeling that she won't do it while she is here and ignore the fact that she needs to see someone. At least I did my part. I feel like a super pal, but with limited abilities. I pnly have the power to watch.

That event caused me not to write my paper until about 9pm. I was up till 2am slapping crap together and racing to make up run-on sentences. Today I found out that I pretty much need to rewrite it, but if I do that, I can get an A. I don't even know if I have the energy to look at it. I couldn't even get myself to proofread it, I hate it so much.

This day has been really long and stressful. It is absolute torture right now. Spring break is almost here, but I have so many things to do that I can't even picture myself finishing everything. Sleep would be so nice.

I hate feeling like stressed college student. The only reason I have so much going on this week is cause I was a lazy bum the last few weeks. I'm glad I was too cause that is when I enjoyed myself and had me some good times.

I did, accedently, watch "Meet My Kids" last night and it was the most staged reality show I have ever witnessed in my entire life. Sometimes I wonder how naive these people are about entertainment reality television. I wanted to cry for them.

I think I'm going to put on a few more layers and freakish fog weather. I'm going to go sit in the computer lab and watch other people get work done.

luv, steph

p.s.- OMG, this is so my 100th entry! Another reason to celebrate by the end of this week.

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