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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003 || 10:57 a.m.

Yesterday was fun. Really enjoyable.

I got a kind of emo/mod haircut. All I wanted were long bangs that fell to the side and I could tuck behind my ears. It makes me feel special and a little bit horny...

Then I went to a play oncampus and giggled at our gang of professors we love. They had a discussion afterwards and it made me believe in women's rights again. We then had tomalies and Coka-Cola and I tried my best to have a normal conversation with my professors. It was a little akward, but kind of funny at the sametime. They started "celebrating" International Women's Day a little early that day. We smelled booze on some of them.

Then we hung out with the theater kids in the backstage/dressing room area. And I can't believe it, but we smoked out with a professor. We didn't really know who he was, but it was a big deal to all the theater kids. I just thought it was funny that I have come to this point in smoking where it is ok to do it in the presence of professors. Blows my mind.

People are such old-hearted hippies here.

luv, steph

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