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Waiting Over Here









Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 || 10:29 p.m.

I just let it all out. Now I feel weepy and heavy.

I feel good after talking to my friend about another friend that is having issues with drugs, but, at the same time, it made me feel worse. For some reason, it was hard to talk to her. She knew everything and has been suffering with it for a while. I feel so bad because she has grown so distant. It is amazing how one person's actions can affect different people. Ok, now I can write for the National Drug Association.

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in bad teenage after school special. I almost want to vomit it is so crappy. I really don't even feel like thinking about it anymore. It is bad enough I have to watch it unfold.

Tonight I went to a school event and was very pleased to see some of my favorite professors there. Marge and I have concluded (after much observation) that there is a group of about 5 professors we believe are all gay and love anything that has to do with Africa or women's rights. We were so excited to see all of them tonight. We just sat there and giggled at thier silly ways. We are the biggest dorks and have the weirdest interests.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...

The only thing I want to do right now is watch "Six Feet Under". The only thing I should be doing is writing a paper. If only I could write a paper on "Six Feet Under".

luv, steph

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