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Waiting Over Here









Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 || 6:59 p.m.

It's raining, it's pouring, poor old Steph is boring.

I think after this weekend, any weekday would seem boring. I'm forcing myself to stay in my room and study. Now that it has started to rain, I have to take a break. I hate forcing myself to do things.

I got to experience Red Bluff this weekend and the joy of towns outside of San Fran. Small towns are funny. I got to experience such small town joys like baseball games, nature walks, and partin' it up small town style. If I hear rap music again, it will be too soon. The highlight of the trip was definity going to TJ Maxx and Ross. They are even better here then at home.

I hate waking up and thinking about the possible stupid things you did the night before. I really felt embarassed waking up Sunday morning when I had no reason too. I hate when everything wears off and my low self-esteem sets in. Oh well. It was a classic house/apartment party where you wake up and there are five random guys sleeping around you. The highlight is always helping your friend vomit. Hmmm, do memories have scents? Well this one does. Pot and vomit. Mmmmm.

I realized I miss taking road trips. Sometimes just driving can be the best thing to do. All you need is a car, good music, and good friends. It is a fairly cheap way to relax and experience the world outside of your walls.

Oh joy. I just got Spongebob underwear. I need to play with them.

Damn, it stopped raining. I think that means I need to stop too.

luv, steph

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