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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 || 3:11 p.m.

I just saw the pictures from Valentine's Day and since my explainion of the night was, well, a little drunkin', I'm posting a picture diary.

Here are the beautiful flowers I stole from the trash. The only explainion I have for why they were thrown out is that she was a jealous lover or hated her significant other. Either way, I will gladly take pretty flowers with a tainted past

My reason for being single, the sprinkler dance and all its glory.

We did have picture of the proper why to use a penis straw, but that isn't the kind of thing you put out on the internet.

Then it rained and rained on pretty San Francisco...

The whole day I could only think of the one thing that I wanted on my lap...

I love my digital camera and the abusive relationship I have with it. I love to push it buttons, turn it on, and plug things into it. Pictures bring me so much joy.

Speaking of joy, the Positive Pals on threebrain.com must be seen by everyone. It gets you thinking about morals.

luv, steph

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