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Waiting Over Here









Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 || 10:40 a.m.

I woke up at 6:45 today. Not cool.

It also wasn't cool taking a shower, waiting 10 minutes for the water to heat up, and having the cold, COLD air coming through the bathroom windows and blowing the shower curtain so it touched my ass very 2.5 seconds. If that doesn't wake you up, then seeing a marching circus of talk show rejects on illegal crack won't either. Now that is entertainment.

I had to go to a marketing class at 8am and be the good advertising assistant that I am. Then my 10am class was cancelled so my morning has been pretty much wasted. Oh well, I got to post two diary entries.

I also found a spider in my bed last night. It was after I watched Fear Factor too where they had to move HISSING GIANT BEATTLES from one box to another using just their mouths! So I was already jumpy. I just screamed and prayed that an army of spiders woouldn't attack me at night or crawl into my mouth and bite me. Damn little evil things.

Ok, now I have to go to class. If it is cancelled, I'm going to throw a pity party.

luv, steph

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