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Waiting Over Here









Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003 || 6:31 p.m.

I just killed a spider by sucking it into my vaccum. What a horrible way to die. Now it is going to escape and bite me when I'm sleeping. And that's how karma works.

Call me lazy, but I'm going to post the email I just sent to my friend. It does the last 24 hours justice.


Long time, no talkie.

I just drank a grande caffined-up-the-ass coffee from Starbucks. Within the last hour, I have emptied and reorganized my closet and under my bed, wrote 3 very long emails to professors and workers, cleaned all my windows and mirrors, vaccumed, and still had time to have personal dance party with a techno radio station. Did I get any homework done today? No, but that is ok. I don't think I could sit still for very long.

I think I'm going home on spring break which is in mid March. My mom will be alone cause Monica is going on that trip to Scotland. Damn her.

In other news, Oliver knows how to use the doggie door and he can climb up the netting on the playpin and get out. Can't you just seem him climb up the sides of the playpin and jump off from the top? He's got balls, I swear! Oh yes, he also has learned that rubbing his penis on things feels good. It won't be long before he starts humping Simon. His balls need to be cut off now!

I saw "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" yesterday. My friend's friend was in town and she wanted me to go with them so I was suckered into going. I swear, Kate Hudson has no boobs and she never wears a bra. I guess it was ok, but I would have enjoyed it better if (a) it was on HBO, (b) I liked seeing everything the women's movement worked for being pushed back 50 years, (c) I understood cheesy love stories, or (d) I was in the mood to stare at that "soft lense" affect for 2 hours! It hurt my eyes. My eyes have been dry all day.

Well, that is all I have to share. Now it is your turn."

Side Note- OMG! The spider is back and right freakin' next to me! Holy crap on a stick! It looks angry and I think it just went in my bed. Damn, karma works fast.

luv, steph

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