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Waiting Over Here









Friday, Feb. 07, 2003 || 5:10 p.m.

I have come to be unproductive in the afternoons and I have also learned to hate them. Especially Friday afternoons. It is just a time between getting off work and going out at night.

I'm doing my laundry now and have no intentions of doing anything else. Maybe write some emails and catch up on my magazine reading.

In other news, I'm now the Advertising Assistant at our school newspaper, the Foghorn. I was put in charge of two campaigns and managing 30 students from a marketing class. Not too sure how I got stuck with that last one, but maybe I will use them to my advantage. Insert evil laugh here.

I sometimes feel bad for doing advertising work. Like advertising is such a sin. I have always tried to get work in other fields dealing with media, but I always end up working in advertising. At least that is the field that makes good money. Like that even matters.

I'm just in such a dry mood now. Nothing is motivating me. I want to sleep, but I know I'll start thinking about things that were said to me today and I won't get anywhere. Damn these afternoons.

My friend just called me and we talked about our "apartment plan". It looks like everything is coming together and I'm hoping..no praying that my dad will help out with it. I have till August to see what happens. I know we will find an apartment, but I want there to be a miracle and only have to pay $550 a month for rent. I know the rest of us can't pay much more then $700 for it so we're all in the same boat. I have my back-up plan if something doesn't work out. Of course the best place to live has to be the most expensive. Damn money. Damn it to hell.

You know what the best feeling in the world is? Rediscovering old songs from your youth. I got several sampler cds off ebay and I had completely forgot about some these songs I found on them. It brings me back to 8th grade and first encountering MTV2. Oh 90s indie british rock, how I love thee!

Oh look. Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler are on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. That is something you don't see everyday. More stories of that crazy, wanna-be-rocker Courtney Love to be found inside. Oh, I know what I will be doing for the next few hours.

luv, steph

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