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Waiting Over Here









Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 || 1:22 a.m.

I'm ready to go. Beam me back.

I was looking through my pictures of senior year at midnight. Oh the memories. You know time is passing when you look at pictures of friends and notice how much they have changed since then. It has only been two years and some of my friends look so much younger in those pictures. Time is tricky game that I will always lose at. Damn.

I packed a 40 pound box o' crap and mailed it today. I have collected so many things over these past 6 weeks it is digusting. But I don't feel that bad about it. Some of it was "supply" stuff and extra crap I can't live without like DVDs, purses, and books. These things educate the mind, people. That's what's important. Well, maybe not purses. Maybe that will change when I rule the world with my powerful mind...maybe.

The other (little) box I packed was full of food. I went through our manmoth pantry and collected food that hadn't been eatin or never will be eatin. I say it needs to go to a greater cause...feeding college students. Cause at midnight, us college students really don't feel like finding a vending machine or walking outside in the cold for a god damn piece of cholocate! Sometimes the only thing I crave more at that hour is that salty/sweet orgasmic taste of candy. That and carbs. I either get a bad case of wanting cholocate or wanting to suck on salty, salty carbs. It consumes my body and causes me to knock on my neighbor's doors for help. I'm now going to be prepared with my super doper box o' food from the pantry. I know it will be gone in a week, but at least I tried to plan a head. My mother even forced me to take some of that food that has been there since my childhood. I knew I could either take it now or she would be sending it to me in box. There was nothing I could really do about it. Maybe now I can make more friends by having food at midnight. Haha! I will rule.

I'm not quite sure what to do with myself with the next few days that I'm here. I have to go out to dinner with my dad on Friday and pack. I guess I will just stick to shopping on ebay and studying my french while I have the time. I know in a month I'm going to wish I had this kind of time again. I will make a mental note of it.

luv, steph

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