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Waiting Over Here









Sunday, Jan. 19, 2003 || 1:39 a.m.

It is time for sleep because I have done far too much walking and standing in the last 48 hours...

On Friday night, my sister talked me into going to a "concert" of her fellow high school peers at someone's house. I then talked Wes into going with me. It was like something ripped out of a TRL video. The only element missing were kids making out, but everything else was there. These kids were taking over the neighborhood while crappy a band played in a garage. The saddest part of all was we saw people we graduated from high school with there. I don't think I would be wrong saying that this wasn't there first time attending a high school party since graduating almost two years ago. I lost count, but I think I saw over twelve former classmates there. I only said hi to one of them and instead focused on talking to siblings of people I knew. I felt old, but wiser at the sametime. I think seeing those old high school people made me feel like I had made the best decision of my life by not staying here and excited to go back. Wes and I then called Andrea and made her stay on the phone with us so we had a reason to stay out of the crowds and look important by talking on our cell phone. The "band" seemed to play forever and ended their last song just as the cops pulled up. That was our que to make a cool exit and go to Blueberry Hill for food. After that, Wes and I felt like we needed some adult entertainment so we went to Hamburger Mary's. I really don't think I have ever seen so much tits and ass in my life. I think Wes has seen more then me. Needless to say, we got our adult entertainment for the week and went home to get some sleep for tomorrow's protest.

Today's protest impressed me. Wes and I weren't hoping for much from a Vegas anti-war protest, but we went to check it out anyway. I was really surprised by the turn out, I have to say. It was well organized and peaceful. We also got to march up and down the strip which I didn't think was going to happen. Tourism comes before anything here and tons of protestors marching down the sidewalks of the strip isn't going to help make money. It was great and this time I took pictures to try and express the feeling of the event. The protest was also dedicated to Martin Luther King which I felt was a nice touch.

Here is the protest march down the strip.

Fellow protestors.

luv, steph

There were many protests going on around the world today. To learn more to go Salon.com for today's news or antiwar.com for information on the cause.

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