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Waiting Over Here









Monday, Jan. 06, 2003 || 9:27 p.m.

I have no idea why, but here is the email I just wrote to my friend Wes. Maybe it expresses my current mood and my extreme laziness that I have developed over the last week. Or, I just want this diary to become more and more personal until I have a webcam on my ass all the live long day.

Hello Sir,

I just watched all of Season 2 of Sex and the City. Ok, I'm a little like Miranda, I said it! You're probably wondering why I'm writing you an email and not calling and the answer is that I was already online when I thought of writing you, I've just watched Carrie write on her labtop all day and I thought I should be doing it, and I'm wearing a skin clearing mask and can't talk on the phone without getting sticky mask stuff on it. I know, I'm sad.

My point: I want to go thrift store shopping! There are 2 I know of that just opened in this area. We need to go to them because thift stores in nice/rich areas= amazing finds and deals. At the very least, we should do lunch or a Starbucks hang out sometime. I have absord myself in books and finishing my painting for the last week and, although I have enjoyed that boring lifestyle, it would be nice to get outside and see a familiar face. I can't rely on Sex and the City alone to fulfill my needs of single life entertainment. I need my gay best friend too!

Wow, you know what I think this email is all about. I was planning on posting on Diaryland right after I wrote you a quick email, but I guess I just got in the flow of writing and instead wrote you a long email instead of writing a long diary entry. I will kill two birds with one stone and post this email as my entry. Escape! I need an escape!

luv, steph

p.s.- Your turn to reply.

Back to that boring lifestyle I mentioned, although I am having a good time with it...

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