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Waiting Over Here









Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002 || 11:42 p.m.

Oh God, what a long weekend. Tomorrow starts the longest day of my life. I work in the library from 12-8pm. At least I have plenty of work to do.

I did finish 3 out of 5 of the papers I had to do this weekend. It wasn't that bad, but I did get a big case of horniness in the computer lab. Something about the glow of moniters really turned me on...

Andrea and I decided that people don't use the pharse "engorged vagina" enough. Haha, it will be my new pharse of the week. I will start promoting its use.

My brain is mush. I was downtown at Union Square far too much this weekend. It is like a mad house down there. Too many people and too much xmas music. My dad and Karen didn't want to leave that area so, whatever, there loss. They will never know the true treasures of San Fran.

I wish I would have been there last night when Marge was drunk and high and ate someone's leftover turkey. Damn me for having papers. That would have tickled my fancy. Oh, that sounds dirty.

Oh, I thought of a new pharse when I was in the computer lab. Everytime a bad word or dirty thought is mentioned, it should be followed by the comment, "Oh, I said a devil word!" Well, it was funny at the time.

This is my distraction from the world of work. I think little elves that make ring pops live there. OMG, I'm going insane! Ahhhhh!! When will it end??

I ate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I kindof feel sick, but it was so good.

luv, steph

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