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Waiting Over Here









Friday, Nov. 08, 2002 || 2:59 p.m.

I did something new yesterday, wanna know what it was?

Scene:: 5pm in San Francisco. Huge storm outside. 55 mph winds and lightning. Me: not wanting to do my homework and just wanting to relax for one evening::

So that sets the mood for what was about to happen. The only way for me to ignore my homework was to distract myself. I had no plans, there was no one around, so I decided to make some new friends. I went on Craigslists.com and posted a personal ad. Not a "Oh, I want your hot body" type of ad, but a "Yeah, I am bored and it is raining so talk to me" type of ad. I was also curious, really curious, about how this whole Internet/personnal ad thing worked. I was definitely not looking for a date or anything that would last longer then a night. Which sounds bad because some people who look on that website are looking for dates and I was just screwing around with them. I have to say that after I posted, it was one of the most entertaining nights by myself I have ever had. I got over twenty replies. There are all kinds of freaks out there, horny freaks, old freaks. I will share my posting to show how innocent and casual it truly was:

Title: Boredom and curiosity got me here...

"Hello out there,

I'm bored, and if you didn't know it already, it is raining outside. This puts me in a different state of mind and that is why I am here. My sad plan for the evening was to watch "Must See TV" and ignore the massive amount of homework I need to be doing. I'm a Media Studies major (minor in Psychology) at USF. I work hard, have fun, and entertain myself in creative ways (hence what I am doing now). I think there is some pretty unique things about me.

Well, enough about me. What about you?"

Compared with some of other postings, this was pretty good. I don't think I could ever met someone from the Internet. I don't how some of these people do it. Not to say that just horny, weird, sad people post personnals on the Internet. I posted and I am pretty normal (compared to a crack-whore I am). It takes a lot of guts and confidence to met someone like that. It is interesting how in such a large and hip city like San Fran so many people can feel so alone. Then they go on the Internet to find some companionship when they are really just sitting alone at a computer talking to someone that doesn't even have to be real. They are all doing this when there is a severe storm going on outside and all there connections to a person could be taken away in a second by a power outage. It is a weird world out there. The rain did bring some pretty interesting people online though...

I recommend that everyone does this if they are bored and alone. It is at least 3 hours of fun. And if you are really bored, you should make up crazy things about yourself and share them with people who reply to you. It gets them going crazy! The ways in which I entertain myself are going to cause me to go to hell. Yet I still do it...

luv, steph

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