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Waiting Over Here









2002-11-01 || 4:15 p.m.

You know its Halloween when you smell like booze and urine...

Happy November 1 everyone. Halloween is over and I couldn't be more happy about it. I think because I just didn't want to deal with it this year. Now it is over and I can get back to dealing with stress. Still, I had a good time.

We started out by going up to Lone Mountain to hang out with the "stoner" kids that we all love. By the second or third helping of cheap vodka and minute maid, the Halloween feeling was in full force. Walking down the mountain was an interesting feeling and we ended up at a house party. Good thing I had my empty margarita with me cause that thing got filled up fast. I drank so much it would have killed a small child. So now I was drunk, really drunk. We made it to a bus stop, got on a bus FULL of Halloween people going to Castro, and made it half way there. We ended walking to Castro (the Mecca of Halloween), as drunk as we were, but it was good because there were so many people around us. Everyone was just found their way to Castro where there were more people then pairs of bunnies could produce. We got to the street before Castro where we crashed. Marge couldn't find her wallet or cigerattes so there we were on the sidewalk of a side street. I watched these 2 girls try to pee in this garden and a guy was hanging out of his window with a spot light and megaphone started yelling at them. Poor girls, there they were, peeing next to a street with a spot light on them. Well, now I had to pee...BAD. So I just sat down and peed in the gutter. Bad planning on my part cause I failed to remove my panties or skirt in the path of the urine. So I peed my pants, but not that bad. It was worth it though cause it felt so good. By then we were tired and broken up from our group so we decided to walk back to the campus. If anyone knows, walking from Castro to Fulton is a LONG walk. But we were drunk, piss drunk (haha! now it has meaning to me), and just kept walking. Marge got to pee in the street, but she just showed her ass and didn't get any urine on herself. Oh, Halloween.

I do feel guity though. I told one of my friends that I would go to a charity dinner with her, but the plans weren't set in stone. She bought the tickets just as I called her to tell her I was doing something else. I had no idea she was going to buy tickets and I couldn't apolize enough to her. I am never the type to ditch my friends and try to avoid those situations as much as possible. I guess she really felt bad. It just seems so pity cause I voted to things that involved alcohol. Although I was Karen for Halloween so I needed to stay in character. She likes alcohol. I think it will be fine, she did the samething to me last weekend.

OH MY GOD, here comes the holiday crap. I am watching a holiday commerical as I type this. Oh my god, there is another one on now! Christ Chex, I just got a feeling to listen to holiday music. Hmmm, why is it that I wasn't much in the mood for Halloween, but excited about the holidays? Maybe cause I know that Christmas brings a 5 week break...and a puppy.

Something that made my week is a joke my mother told me in an email. It goes like this:

Q: How many PMS women does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


Hahahaha..I think it would be better if she would have told me in person. The things she picks up.

luv, steph

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