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Waiting Over Here









2002-10-29 || 8:51 p.m.

A cure to writer's block and stress...get inspired.

I was searching for articles on the music industry for a 10 page paper due next week. I felt my topic was slightly interesting, but I wasn't looking forward to putting all the research together and writing it. I came across an article by a popular music theorist, but, to my surprise, it had nothing to do with music. It was about online diaries and the underground culture that is growing with it. His writing was inspiring, to say the least. Now I want to write my paper on this, what I am doing now, writing on an online diary (a community, that is). Enough isn't said about it, which maybe a good thing, because if it isn't keep "underground", it isn't the same.

article: (for those who want to know)


Maybe it is in the air, but I was inspired again today. A guest speaker was in my media class and she couldn't have been more interesting. She talked about how she got where she was (not in a cocky-sort of way, but captivating). Maybe it is that I want to be where she is. A unique film collector, a PhD, director of small film festivals...Not that I want to be part of THOSE things, but I want an original lifestyle. Who else can say that they are part of these things? To have their names next to these things. It isn't that she went out to get these particular things, it just evolved like that. The only way to stop this type of thinking is to know that it takes time to evolve. It is the waiting that makes me question where I am heading. I just have to trust...something..whatever it is. My mother called today to say that 3 black male pugs were born. One has a small white spot on it. I know she will get that one because it has "character". I argee, nothing should be completely perfect. She also hated my message on my machine. It goes something like this: "Hello this is Stephanie's and Cristina's, please leave your name, number, and your favorite kind of underpants after the beep. Thanks." What I didn't realize when recording this message was "important" people would call and hear this. Oh well, by now I find a sick joy in embarassing myself everyday.

luv, steph

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