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Waiting Over Here









2002-10-22 || 8:36 p.m.

Oh, the weather in San Francisco. The fog brought in mist that lasted all day. So when I walked to class I could feel the wet and cold all around me. It makes me so very happy. What tops this feeling off is hot soup and good chai tea. Oh how I love October.

Ha, it is funny how Andrea and I both wrote entries about the weather in our favorite cities. Psychic? Maybe...but more then likely it is a reminder of how happy we are in our perspective places. Fall makes me happy.

I hate complaining, but I am going to do it for one more sentence. This is the first break I got all day and I am sleepy. Oh, and I really want some ass. I have a feeling I will get that when I am drunk and horny on Halloween. I am going to work it like Karen works a bottle of illegal meds. Again, another reason why I love October.

I was an A+ pupil today. I had long conversations with all my professors, participated in every class, and did my work to the best of my ability. I don't know why I was in the mood for it, but I was.

I noticed that these lyrics read so much better then what they sound like in the song:

Travis, "Dear Diary":

Dear Diary, What is wrong with me? 'Cos I'm fine between the lines. Be not afraid. Help is on its way. A sentence suspended in air, way over there. Dear Diary, What else could it be? As nightshade descends like a veil, under the sail of my heart. Be still, don't stop until the end. Dear Diary, What is wrong with me? 'Cos I'm fine between the lines.

Music like this is better on a gray day.

luv, steph

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