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Waiting Over Here









2002-10-08 || 5:06 p.m.

I really haven't been in the mood to write on diaryland. I don't think it is disappointing many people. I really don't have a "cult following", although that is one of my many lifelong goals.

What did inspire me to write today is something that happened at work. I was doing my usual library duties when I came across a couple making out in the stacks. For those of you who don't know, making out in a library is on my top 10 list of places I want to make out (again, another lifelong goal). The inncident went something like this:

Me: (daydreaming, completely in the zone, and my thoughts had something to do with Candyland)

::Carrying book ends and a folder. Sees horny couple and makes a sound that somewhat resembles a wounded gazelle::

Hands Down the Pants Couple ::Doesn't notice me::

Me: Watching them and thinking, "Why the hell isn't that me?"

Hot and Heavy Couple ::Notices me and runs away::

What did they think I was going to do, beat them with my book ends? I think not. I should have started applauding them. I will save it for next time.

Last night, at French tutoring, I was read my horiscope from "Elle" and it said I was going to become addicted to alcohol and drugs from friends at work. That is so much cooler then an American horiscope! So now I am waiting for someone at work to hide crack in a cut out book for me to experiment with. Another fun thing to do in the library.

I need to be writing a paper right now. I also have 2 essays and a presentation due next week. It is ok, I am not going to go crazy and forget how to put on my own clothes. No, I will be fine...maybe.

Sometimes school is so time consuming I wonder if I am wasting my time. Not to mention all that god damn money.

luv, steph

p.s.- The greatest French quote I found in my textbook:

Elle parle aux plantes! She talks to plants!

Maybe it is so funny cause it reminds me of my mother...or me in the near future.

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