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Waiting Over Here









2002-09-25 || 1:37 p.m.

This is what I just experienced. I walk into my dorm to be greeted by a very unhappy desk worker. Apparently, my mother had just called and was very upset that my package had not been delivered to me. It was just sitting there. This poor girl had to hear my mother say such things as, "now who is going to pay for the extra shipping I paid" and "what kind of people work in this office?" I guess she forget I LIVE with these people and have CLASS with these people. At least the cookies she sent me where still good.

Once I got back to my room, I found that my mother was online. The conversation went a little something like this.

Talking about the above mention phone call:

mother: The idiot at the desk looked into the cabinet and said it was there. Why didn't they find it earlier?

mother: I also asked her who was going to reimburse me for the 3 day shipping charges.

mother: I hate incompetent people. It is a job not a game. What if was medicine or something.

mother: did you try the cookies?

Talking about getting a new puppy:

mother: Simon (my dog) is making me crazy. I am not 20 years old. I am tired and want to rest.

me: what is he doing?

mother: climbing all over me and wanting to play. I am going to get another dog. I don't know when. I wil call Pug Rescue

me: you are?

me: seriously?

mother: He needs someone else to concentrate on.

me: but what if he doesn't like the other dog or the other dog is mean to him?

mother: then we kill them both

mother: it would have to be a puppy so Simon can be the leader. Otherwise he doesn't have a chance.

me: a girl or boy?

mother: I am not sure. I will have to do some research. I am just worried about getting an abused dog that knows how to fight.

me: yeah

mother: he would probably do that with the baby dog that I would name Oliver


me: You already have a name for the puppy?

mother: I just thought of it

me: simon and oliver go together

me: very british

mother: like me

me: your british?

mother: sure

me: ok

Talking about how I am making the wrong choice with my life:

mother: why don't you become a nurse or a nuclear medical techni.

mother: because I need to know that you can always get work when you graduate. It is easier if you go into an established profession. Medical professions are very much needed now. They predict a huge shortage in the near future.

me: i know

mother: there is a huge shortage even now

mother: I just worry about what will happen in the future. I should confine my worries to the present there are enough of them

me: there is a storage in every profession because technically there aren't enough people to run the economy

me: you don't need to worry about it

me: i can always work at burger king

mother: now I am scared

You know, I am scared too. I think all my confidence I had left is gone now. Like my week hadn't been crappy already.

luv, steph

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