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Waiting Over Here









2002-09-24 || 5:49 p.m.

Entry try number 3: This better not be deleted! (or I will kick AOL in the ass!)

I will not explain why my past two entries have been deleted, the pain is too much.

Just about the only exciting thing that has happened to me in the past few days is going on the San Francisco Ghost Hunt tour. Things like this make me want to wet myself. A 3 hour tour around Pacific Heights while being told true ghost stories, too much! The tour guide had to be the best part. He wore a leather top hat, trench coat, and carried a lanturn. This is his life. I also mentioned that I saw him on the Travel channel (a special on the huntings of San Francisco) and he was very proud of that, his "15 minutes of fame".

Why couldn't I have lived during the Victorian era and come back as a ghost? Why? Maybe I should make that my life goal..haha, life and ghost..haha..ok. See what happens when you are sick and pumped up on meds?

I have things to do. When will I be doing them? More then likely at the last minute. Right now I need to eat oatmeal cookies and IM people.

I feel like a little girl, with drugs.

luv, steph

p.s.- The power went out (rolling blackout?) and I had to pee in the dark with my flashlight. I felt...scared, but excited at the sametime. This is something I could get used too.

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