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Waiting Over Here









2002-09-15 || 7:05 p.m.

Things I've learned over the past few days:

(1). NEVER make jokes about country music unless you KNOW that the people you are with HATE country music.

(2). Country music fans LOVE their country music and they are damn proud of it.

(3). Don't rent movies from Blockbuster (cost- $3) when you can rent movies from Albertson's (cost 79 cents).

(4). Sunday isn't a day for getting things done, especially if you drank the night before (except, maybe, laundry).

(5). NEVER, NOT EVER, get drunk and go to your old dorm and the Frat house. NEVER-EVER.

(6). French films are tres bizarre mais tres amusant. I get sucked into them like I get sucked into peer pressure. I have no regrets.

(7). I enjoy ebay in waves. For a brief period of time, I will be the "master bidder" and purchase all the useless crap I can. Then I get bored, but I always, always go back.

(8). San Francisco houses are charming. They make me want to drop my pants and scream, "Take me! I want to share your warmth and live inside you!".

(9). This is a shameful declaration- I like the Anna Nicole show and it is on in 3 hours. At the same time, it makes me feel really, really dirty.

(10). One thing that NEVER fails to make me laugh is threebrain.com. I could watch their videos all the live-long day. Monkey-nipple-crap. Ha!

(11). My friends never send me emails and I have a good feeling that they don't read the ones I send them.

(12). I spend too much money on food that I hardly eat.

(13). If you are feeling horny one night, read an excerpt from "The Sex Chronicles" on amazon.com. It is free and touches you in all the right places.

(14). My arms are kind of getting buff. It must be from all that "thinking I am going to exercise" that I do...

(15). The thing I do best is embarassing myself.

(16). Don't drink good, strong coffee at midnight. It seems obvious, but not when you really want it.

(16). I like Journey. Did you know that song "When the Lights Go Out in the City" is about San Francisco? It makes me want to become a yuppie or something.

(17). I am free, free like a dirty slut.

luv, steph

p.s.- Isn't this entry better then my last one? I felt I needed to redeem myself.

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