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Waiting Over Here









2002-09-14 || 11:44 p.m.

I'm drunk and my entry was just deleted. I hear fireworks outside, but I guess it is just lighting. Should I eat the Wheat Thins or not? How can I type so well when I am THIS severly drunk?? SO drunk, kids, so drunks.

We went back to our old dorms and releazed they were repainted and I shouted "dirty sluts live in my old room!". Oops. We meet LOTS of freshmen and made complete asses of ourselves. At least most of them were smoking pot so maybe they won't remember us??

I also told all of the kids outside the frat that my friend was being raped inside so shame on me. We can't find Lizzy so what was I to do?

It is only 11:30 and I am ready to pass out and piss myself.

I love Lizzy and Marge. Such good people. Why is cheap vodka and Sky Blue so good? WHY?

I smell like smoke and cheap thoughts. Why couldn't I have a bad hook up with someone? Maybe this is a good thing.

Oh the salty salt of Wheat Thins is so good. It can absorb my alcohol so I can get back to my normal life.

luv, steph

p.s.-Marge did my makeup like Goth.

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