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Waiting Over Here









2002-09-12 || 5:13 p.m.

I was planning on writing an entry yesterday, but you know, life happened.

Since I attend a historically Catholic university, there was a "big deal" mass going on yesterday. I went, to pay my respects, and left filling glad that I attended. The over-all theme focused more on diversity and the suffering of other people then "God will save us all so hang on to your pants kids!". Sometimes I really enjoy going to a Catholic university.

On Tuesday, it was unseasonably warm. Someone then told us that this is a bad thing because warm weather heats up the ocean water and gives us a greater chance for an earthquake. We haven't had a major earthquake in over 10 years and this scares the holy crap of me. Thank god I live on the top floor of my building, right? If I do happen to die in an earthquake, please do your best to read my diary. For I will be posting from hell. Ha! (Don't know where that came from-it sounded so evil!)

Right now I am debating whether or not to paint my nails. Rouge?

I got a C+ on my first French test. I made such stupid mistakes. Je suis deprimee et fatiguee. How about that kids, A+ worthly? ::wink,wink::

I need to do laundry and get the hell out of this room. Or maybe I just need someone to touch me.

luv, steph

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