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Waiting Over Here









2002-09-03 || 11:17 p.m.

Hello, for I have missed you my dear diaryland...

I had an intense experience at Amoeba music the other day. As usually, the store was kicken and I just stood there watching people. I watched people touching each other and enjoying each other's company and I teased myself by rubbing against every male I thought was remotely attractive (which, in Amoeba, is almost every man). I just wanted to bottle up all those emotions I felt I shared with everyone and keep it all for myself. I hate to admit that those feelings were due to my hormones, but I was horny. Damn it! The truth hurts. Always.

I love this city. I also realized how I changed over the summer. Maybe not so much "changed", but "forgot" certain things that are important. Hmm, that doesn't make much sense, but maybe my mind knows more then I do.

I am beginning that time in my college life where I don't have time to do anything else but study. Now, with all the glorious TV that is going to begin, I will become brain-numbingly boring. I apolize ahead of time, for my diary will become my escape from work and it will get ugly.

luv, steph

*Mother Moment of the Day*

My mother joined a club where 50+ women get together and wear purple dresses and red hats. The point being that they don't care how society sees them, they are just there to have fun. How funny is that? My mother in a hat, hahaha! She also wants to stuff the dog so it will be easier to take care of him. Ok, so lets get a mental picture here--my mother in a purple dress and red hat with a stuffed dog she treats as a real one. This is my future and I really feel like drinking myself to sleep now...

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