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Waiting Over Here









2002-08-25 || 12:39 a.m.

Just a warning, I am VERY drunk right now (Damn rum and coke, damn).

I just left a good friend's apartment celebrating Marge's bday. It reminded me of the time just last spring when I was drunk with the same people and felt good about the way things were going. I got this feeling again when drinking and hanging out with these people again. I finally got that feeling I was looking for. That feeling of peace and... satisfication? Who knew it would take a few good friends and alcohol to feel this way again. Take God for that.

I also got to practice some of my French and got to go to Target (got a bean bag, is that too college??). I spend about $80 there and had some good times. Marge and I decided on the walk home that we were going to become "pot heads" this semester. I was pretty serious about it. I just don't want to work this semester. I WANT to fuck around and waste at least one semester of college. COME ON COLLEGE BOYS, COME AND GET ME!! I NEED TO FUCK AROUND! FUCK ME!!!!

Serious though, I mean this. No matter what I say when I am sober.

luv, steph.

p.s.- If I don't sound drunk, it is because I have re-read this entry for mistakes. I am not one of those people who WANT to sound drunk cause it is "cool".

p.s.s.- It is took me about 45 mins. to write this. I am going to pass out right...about..now . p.s.s.s.- I really love all of you out there who take the time to read my entries. I know they aren't the most excited thing, but kisses to all of you people.

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