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Waiting Over Here









2002-08-23 || 3:04 p.m.

I feel I need to write a "real" entry while I suck on a delicious, salt-soaked almond. And so it begins...

I am not really excited about any of my classes this semester. It isn't that they aren't interesting, it is just because I am still burnt out from working this summer. I DON'T WANT TO WORK ANYMORE!! I don't even want to put my room together. I am just waiting for this feeling to go away..and waiting...and waiting...

Last night the power went out..twice. I also learned that few to non of my fellow classmates have class on Friday because people on my end of hall decided to have a little party. When the power went out, the first time at about 2am, they all started screaming and yelled drunken, angry things out to the halls. Yes, like the people who were sleeping would really want to sympathize with you. I still have NO idea why the power went out, but I wouldn't be surprised if alcohol had something to do with it.

My french class is...hmm...hard? The professor is sweet and really excited about French, but she hasn't taught us the alphabet so how the hell I'm I supposed to speak French? Anyway, that is my little problem with that class. Me and foreign languages don't make a cute couple, but we're great for a few quickies. Do you think a long-term relationship can come out of this? I think I will need some help.

I think my roommate is taking me to Linen N' Things tomorrow and...Target! It is Marge's bday and she wants to celebrate it by going to the greatest, cheapest store in the world, Target! I am just excited about spending $80 of someone else's money at one store. Hey useless crap, here I come!

Hmm, I always wanted to end an entry on "I come" so I will take this chance to say good-bye.

luv, steph

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