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2002-08-14 || 10:16 a.m.

Man, I am lookin' hot today. Hold on while I get some crack office coffee.

Ok, last night I had a great night o' fun with Wes. We watched Lord of the Rings and had some good laughs. You know how everytime someone touches the ring they see that flash of light? Ok, does that not look like a vagina? <()>?

Wes thinks I am the first to notice this, but I disagree. I believe little geeky boys would make something look like a vagina. Anyway, the whole movie was easy to make jokes at, but I did enjoy some of it (although, I didn't get to see the whole thing). I would like to see it again cause, damn, there were some pretty funny things going on.

Wes and I traded in some of our cds. They would only take 15 out of the 139084908 I had, but I did get $51 for them. Wes traded in 5 of his cds for 1 new one. Of course, he got Boy George's new DJ cd (which I highly approve of- download "Dizzy" on your computers, kids). Wes couldn't part with some of his poppy-crap cds because they held good memories. This got me thinking- where or what would I be like without Wes (same goes with Andrea)? I have known this boy for most of my puberty- producing days and I'm sure he has influenced my being who I am today. Well, anyway, that is how I ended my summer with Wes. I love you man!

I am feeling better today. I think I just got caught up in the drift of life over the past few days. Sometimes you feel good and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you just need a good friend and lots of laughs about vaginas. Ha!

I was thinking about some of the funny things my mother was doing lately and have decided that in just a few years, we can legally take her to the mental hospital. Here are just a few things she has done, 1. making us wear candy necklaces while eating spaghetti, and later deciding that candy necklaces look cuter as headbands. 2. instead of saying "dancing" she says "expressive leg movements". 3. deciding that we should be called "beaver gils" and Simon was not allowed in the club. Well, lets just say I will miss her words and expressions of wisdom.

My office is taking me out to lunch today. I maybe posting another entry later today about that.

luv, steph

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