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Waiting Over Here









2002-08-08 || 2:19 p.m.

I had an appointment with the gyno the other day and wrote this while I was waiting. Enjoy.

Sometimes, young women need a little help comforting themselves when going to the gynecologist. Since I am well experienced with visiting the gynecologist, I am here to help. One thing to always keep in mind is- your vagina is probably not the worst vagina your doctor has seen. When you are in the waiting room, survey the people around you. Who probably has the worst vagina? Is it that 8 month pregnant lady or that 89 year old woman? This will build up your confidence and you will surely be proud of your vagina. Also, it never hurts to dress nice. A cute skirt with a hip shirt can never fail. But remember, don't dress slutty. That just screams STD! But you also don't want to dress too conservative because then you look like you haven't let your vagina "breath" in a long time. The gynecologist doesn't want to be close to that, do they?

It is also a good idea to lie about how much pain you are in when you get your period. I guarantee the doctor while give you some kind of painkiller (this mostly works on male doctors) and you don't always have to be in pain to take painkillers. ;)

Another thing to remember is, make lite conversation with your doctor while they are examning you. This helps you forget where he/she is poking at you and what the doctor might be thinking about your vagina.

Just remember, your doctor choose this field of medicine. If they have a problem with your vagina, it is their damn problem. Love your foo-foo!

luv, steph

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