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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-18 || 11:47 a.m.

This story will make you think twice:

I was walking by one of my co-worker's office just a minute ago and, as usually, he was showing off the "cool" music he had downloaded. Last week I made him download COOL music like Travis, The Strokes, The Hives, The White Stripes, Stereophonics, etc. That is besides the point, but he was showing off crap music. So I walk by and he says to the other guy in the room, "That's Steph, she is a cool girl." So me, being smug by the fact that he has stated the truth, walk in and smile at both of them. I turn around and proceed to the bathroom. That is when I realize my fly was down.

So there you go kids. The lesson of the day: Never believe you are cooler then what you really are.

For Christ's sake, he was listening to Poison! I still believe I am cooler...

luv, steph p.s.- Marge comes today! We are going to bust up this town because we are cool.

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