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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-16 || 11:27 a.m.

Ok, my right pointer finger has a red, irratited spot on it. Do you know why? cause my finger is pissed off that it has to dial so many numbers everyday! Just to protest, it will probably start to shrivel up and die. I won't even get started about my left ear.

Last night I started going through my boxes o' stuff/crap. Wow, I keep a lot of stuff. I also rediscovered old things I never gave a second thought about. Most of it went in the Goodwill box and the rest went into the "Steph's stuff she can't fit in her dorm room so she is leaving it here" box. Hey, if I don't have a room and we got an attic built, might as well us it. I still have too much crap to comprehend.

I am listening to the Sarah Harmer cd at work today and wearing cute emo glasses. The cd reminds me of when I used to listen to it when walking between classes. I would come down from Lone Mountain and walk between the charming San Fran houses. I would think about which one I would live in because of the pretty flowers that hung down from its balcony or the color it was painted. A cold breeze would hit me and remind me that I did not prepare well for the weather. I could never predict how cold it would be for the day. NEVER. This kind of "train of thought" would make me late almost everyday to class. It is just so damn hard to not be tempted and charmed by the character's of those San Fran houses. One day, m'friend, I will live in such a house.

luv, steph

p.s.- I think I look so cute wearing emo glasses, listening to my portable cd player, and drinking coffee. Yes, it is true whilst making phone calls.

"..and all the ugly details are stuck in my mind.."

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