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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-15 || 10:32 a.m.

Do you know what is distrubing?

When you are watching a program on TV and realize your mother is lusting after the same man you are, at the same moment.

It goes something like this:

::watching TV program with hot man, you are having secret, lustful thoughts::

Mother: Now he is an attractive man.

::silence, then vomiting::

It isn't enough that my mother reminds me, almost daily, that I sleep in the same bed I was conceived in. How distrubing is that? She is going to be paying for the sex counselor I am going to need in the near future.

Anywho, this Saturday I had a nice day. Wes and I planned to go to a chicken ranch in Parump. Just for kicks and giggles. Unforuntely, we didn't make it there, but instead we went to the Librace museum. Wow, was that guy ever fabulous! I think the gayness in Wes exploded with enjoyment. Las Vegas museums are always fun.

I did nothing yesterday. It was the best. That is what Sundays should be about. Nothing.

4 more days tell Margaret comes! That should be good times. luv, steph

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