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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-12 || 12:04 p.m.

I am so proud of myself because I have connections in the city of Las Vegas.

Today, I asked someone in the office if our business could get free tickets to any show on the Strip. He had just gotten back from signing a contract at some hotel and handed me 2 free tickets to see Charo's show at the Sahara. Ok, yes, this will not be the greatest show to see, but IT IS FREE! I also have a another connection that can get me free tickets to the Thunder From Down Under or the Chippindales show. Still working on that one.

The Charo show, which is called "Bravo" (how clever, it rhymes, kind of) should be your typical Vegas show. I will take Marge to it when she visits me next week. It should be good times.

My sister and I had gift certificates for Linen N' Things and we went shopping for sheets last night. It is a wonder how happy I can get just thinking about getting new sheets for my crappy dorm bed. I almost peed myself walking into their selection. I only spent $40 (including an eggshell foamy pad I splurged on) and my sister spent $185 on sheets. Good sister Jesus, she better be planning on keeping those sheets forever.

My mother made cookie dough last night and it was the most holy, mind-blowing, goodie richness that was ever created. She was planning on cooking it because, apparently you make cookies with it, but my sister and I couldn't stop eating it. My mouth is collecting salvia just thinking about it.

Ok, I must take my lunch break now and return to work with a stomach full of un-cooked cookie dough.

luv, steph

p.s.- Ok, there is this ad for someone's diary showing right now and it is the MOST annoy thing ever! It keeps flashing and says, "click here, you won!" Holy shit, someone could pop a brain vessel if they watch this thing for too long. I feel bad for the person on E who innocently comes on diaryland to post an entry and sees this annoy ad-thingy. That person's heart is going to burst right out of thier chest. It isn't a pretty sight folks.

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