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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-11 || 9:20 a.m.

You know what is the best feeling? Completing a task, or just doing something you have been wanting to do for a long time. Last night my mother and I went through boxes and boxes of clothes. This woman had clothes not even a homeless woman would want to keep. Even if a homeless person was freezing, they would not want to cover themselves in a multi-colored sequent, lounge singer type, dress-pants suit- hell no. Although, I think that would be a nice change of pace, to see a homeless person walking around in that outfit. I think I would give them $10 for being that brave. Don't worry folks, I made my mother give ALL the clothes to the Goodwill because I believe in reusing clothing (and I think some kids are going to find some great Halloween costumes in our bunch of old clothes and, you know, that is the whole reason why I donate).

I also found out that my mother had keep all the clothes I had set aside to give to the Goodwill over the years. Some of these items I hadn't seen in years and I started to seriously question my fashion sense back then. Why were Tek Vests even popular, why?!

I also found all my summer clothes and "nice" clothing. Good thing I didn't go out and buy new clothes for my job. I will have you all know that, that wasn't an easy thing for me. Sometimes TJ Maxx proves too tempting for me.

My mother also found her wedding dress and that went straight to into the Goodwill box. I took a picture of it and I am trying to post it on my diary. I have a lot of say about that one.

I also started putting together my photo album for my Freshman year of college. It will be great. I'm not your average scrapbooker. Just ask all my friends. I use an old school labelmaker to caption pictures and to show everyone how very funny I am. I also keep little scraps of notes, papers, tickets, etc. It is good times. People always make fun of me for taking too many pictures and for being hung up on memories, but once they see my non-traditional scrapbooks, they'll shut up.

I think that will be a good point for me to end on.

luv, steph

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