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2002-07-11 || 2:35 p.m.

Ok, I must share this story with you people:

Today, while making my usually phone calls, I encountered a disgusting man. I SWEAR to god he was masturbating on the phone while I was telling him the benefits of advertising at a convention. I'm sorry, but which part turned you on the most, "Hello, my name is Stephanie" or "Is your business going to the CES show this January?"

Saying that I am calling from Las Vegas does not mean I am a call girl nor is it an open invitation to moan softly while I am speaking. How can any man find this a turn on?

He must be seriously lacking in social skills and/or the ability to maintain an erection with his significant other. So don't pop a load in my indirect presents, mister, and if you do, please at least buy some fucking advertising so I get some money for the pleasure you took from me.

I feel dirty, shocked, and I really want to call back the number and ask him, "Was it good for you?"

the end.

luv, steph

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